Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Brother W. Keith Moore!

"I was sitting at the house of a pot smoking buddy one night...

"... and the next night I was sitting in the largest Baptist church in Meridian for the spring revival.

"When the preacher asked if anyone wanted to come down and be saved..."

Years later:

"Finally, one day as I was driving by the parish offices of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church...

"... I walked in the front door and asked to see the priest...

"We were received into the Church on Easter, 2006.

"The breadth, depth, height, and wealth of the Roman Catholic Church is mind boggling...

"Thanks for allowing me to tell you my story.

"In Jesus and Mary -- W. Keith Moore.

" www.wkeithmoore.com "

Thanks to you, for sharing your story with us this morning, Brother W. Keith Moore! :)

These snippets are from his story, Keeping Jesus at the Center, in the August 2009 online edition of The Coming Home Network International.


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