Dinesh D'Souza:
Author of What's So Great About Christianity?
Newest book here is:
Life After Death: The Evidence.
"My argument for life after death doesn't rely on any spooky stuff."
We are like detectives who have come upon a crime scene where there are no eyewitnesses...
Adapted from The Catholic World Report, January 2010. "The Rational Evidence for Immortality."
By CWR interviewer Benjamin Wiker.
"BENJAMIN WIKER is the author of A meaningful World: How the Arts and Sciences Reveal the Genius of Nature and other books."
Question asked of D'Souza:
"What is your approach in making your case for life after death?"
His answer:
"My argument for life after death doesn't rely on any spooky stuff.*
"I have no ghosts, no levitations, no attempts to consult mediums** in order to have conversations with the dead.
"I leave the paranormal completely out of this book, relying instead entirely on mainstream scholarship and empirical evidence that is testable.
"We are like detectives who have come upon a crime scene where there are no eyewitnesses, but there are a lot of clues and a lot of evidence.
"We have to put this evidence together to reconstruct the facts..."
* As might well be the case with St. Mary Magdalene's indoor paper - trash burning mitotes, or Liturgical Committee mandated New Age spiritualistic rituals?
** Or for that matter, ex - vicar Father Fabian Marquez in El Paso and his unhealthy preoccupation with visible talismanic - bird, animal and sea - creature signs as proof of: (1) life after death plus (2) as an automatic sign that salvation and eternal bliss had been already been achieved by the deceased.
Don't recall offhand whether it was St. Patrick Cathedral Parish pastor Fr. Rick Mattey or Bishop Armando X. Ochoa in person who finally managed to get Father Marquez to cool down his superstitious caveman - in - the - pulpit routine.
This isn't to say that all three men were not great fellows and priests, not to mention really fine fathers - confessors.
They were.
Da*m*n, those Saturday afternoon confessional lines were LONG! :(
Cool thing about Brackettville, Texas -- at least superficially -- is that long lines for confessions are not really that long at all.
Makes the whole thing kinda cool, at least as a contrast. :)
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