Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Parish Youth Group / Altar Server Personalities do well.
Along with those from our Kinney County - wide community as a whole.
In the Stock Show Yearbook 2010.
A random sample of those many St. MM's winners just might look like this:
Mr. Sam Stewart. 18th Place Meat Goat Doe Kid.
Ms. Abigail Gutierrez 2010 Champion Meat Pen Rabbit. *
Mr. Mike Flores. 3rd. Place Meat Goat Aged Doe.
Mr. Ramón Gutierrez. 3rd Place Swine Light.*
Ms. Icela Rueda. 5th Place Breeding Rabbit Doe.
At least Dos Reinas de la Cancha;
Ms. Elidia Molinar & Ms. Abby Gutierrez (again!) as FFA and 4H Sweethearts respectively.*
And, as representative of our Kinney County youth overall, the Krazy Chicken's Ms. Cheyenne Smith did very well indeed w/ her Reserve Champion Breeding Rabbit.
Way to go everyone!
From The Brackett News. Thursday, February 4, 2010.
All three (3) of these fine young people + their moms (whether "Mom" was in the kitchen that fine morning or taking money out front!) did a terrific job -- along w/ many of their friends and relatives + our tireless CCD Director Mrs. Julia Terrazas + our equally tireless Altar Server Sponsors Mr. & Mrs. Jerry and Janie DeHoyos -- on that memorable Sunday just this past January 31, 2010 when the Parish Youth Group did a fantastic Breakfast Barbacoa Fundraiser after both Masses.
Confusing the name issue, to be sure, were the number of fine young men and women who were swirling around as they kept things moving along.
Young men and women with such fascinating and instantly interchangeable nicknames sounding like Hue Lá one minute and Ne Lá the next, along with tough young fellows called something like Daniel or Julio or Raul one moment and M'Bacho the next.
But, hey!
That's what being young is all about.
And so far as the barbacoa went, my own guess is that it would have been around October / November 1991 that I'd last tasted anything so good.
And that was in Saltillo, Coahuila.
Maybe 300 or so miles south of Del Rio, Texas.
As a courtesy to us a from a most loyal student of bilingual ESL - el Señor Ingeniero en electricidad Vasquez Mendez.
¡Ay! Los años Saltillenses:
Una época fabulosa -- todavía en mi memoria -- a pesar el mero hecho que ya está perdida -- y para siempre -- en las famosas neblinas de la pre - historia. :)
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