Operation Masquerade / Palace Guard lurches into Easter Sunday 2010!
From the St. Mary Magdalene's Sunday Bulletin, Saturday March 27th and Sunday March 28th, 2010.
Box 95.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
"Serving in the Following Ministries
"The Collection Counters for April 4, 2010.
"Hector & Gloria Jimenez; Mike & Lupe Cortinas; Martha & Paul Fernandez"
And, meanwhile, back at the ranch!
1) construction -- ha! ha! -- kick - backs -- thinly disguised as "overrides" -- most likely continuing to run amok.
2) persons -- assuming there are such, anymore! -- so rash as to enter the new parish rectory to ask for an accounting of their donations for 2009 most likely will get the same casually contemptuous dismissal as received our current pastor from two(2) of his own in - residence K of C stalwarts a couple of months back.
In his subsequent snail mail letter to us giving his own cocky version, and surely for reasons of his own, Mr. Roland Boysen refused to identify the parish book keeper by name likewise involved in all this -- that anonymous one whose opinion he claimed to have solicited -- solicited while both persons apparently were deliberately cutting our pastor out of the $$$ picture altogether.
Given that the last two years have been pretty significant ones -- in fact, very significant ones with an "official start date" of Friday, April 4, 2008, from 11:00 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. -- my own opinion is that outside Mr. Boysen himself, Mrs. Barbara Voss & Mr. John Traux likewise share Mr. Boysen's profound concern & as well as his own breath - taking depth of intimate knowledge of our parish's financial challenges.
What some hypothetically pending Val Verde Grand Jury proceedings will make of all this someday is totally unknown.
Given the variety of different personalities involved, most likely we will be treated to a real life example of what's been called "Laugh - out loud detective fiction."
With the Del Rio paper having a blast.
Especially so, if some clown with a vocabulary level on a par with that of the Rev. Fr. Anton Quang Dinh Van is allowed out of his cage as a star witness -- to let us all have it with both barrels! :)
Believe you me, that measly "$600.00 up in smoke" will be money well - spent just to have the chance to hear our St. Mary Magdalene's one - time Main Man of Men in front of a grand jury's microphone, invoking everybody from Moses to Bill Gates, as once again he wows us all just by do'in his "legendary thing!"
You bet! :)
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