Monday, September 20, 2010

"Jesus + vampires + Catholicism = big headline"

Snippets from commentary by Bryan Cones, managing editor of U.S. Catholic October 2010.

His own original title is Will the center hold?

"Pop culture journalists had the brass ring of celebrity stories dropped on them in August when Anne Rice, grande dame of the current vampire entertainment empire, announced that, 10 years after her return to the Roman Catholic faith of her childhood, she was leaving once again.

"Jesus plus vampires plus Catholicism equals big headline."

And, then, as Cones quotes Rice herself in this dramatic declaration:

" I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being Christian or to being part of Christianity. In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti - gay. I refuse to be anti feminist ... I refuse to be anti - Democrat."

Cones goes on to thoughtfully mention that some loyal Catholics will "retort ... that Rice wasn't all that Catholic to begin with..."

Amen to that, Mr. Bryan Cones! :)


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