Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Local" Wish List For Our New Archbishop of San Antonio, Texas


I. Tighten - up on local clergy.

II. And here in Brackettville, Texas 78832?

To smash once and for all Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish's so - called in-house theft ring, whether it's actually composed of a minimum of two(2) well - placed Anglo men and one (1) Anglo woman, or whether it's actually composed of three (3) Anglo men and two (2) women -- including in this for instance -- one(1) Hispanic lady.

III. Lower - level archdiocesan personnel w/access to one (or more?) bank accounts in Uvalde may also be involved.

Theoretically there might also be dummy accounts by now established in both Eagle Pass and Del Rio.

IV. Because it was to a bank in Uvalde that an estimated slush fund of $450,000 was transferred after being donated to the parish by some totally naive and well - meaning yet devout folks some years back.

V. The ostensible motive for this transfer was "to keep it out of Father Quang's hands." Heh, heh, heh! :)


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