Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Rapture: The End - Times Error That Leaves the Bible Behind"

"[W]hy accepting the Bible means rejecting the notion of the rapture..."

By David Currie.

"Many people believe that one day all true Christians will suddenly be snatched up to heaven.

"The unfortunate souls left behind by this rapture will endure seven horrible years of tribulation, at the end of which Christ will return to earth for a glorious thousand - year reign.

"In this careful and thorough scriptural study of the rapture, Currie demonstrates why accepting the Bible means rejecting the notion of the rapture

"Reading this book will make Scripture, prophecy, and history come alive, and demonstrate how by opening your Bible you'll find that God's plan for the future of the world is not filled with darkness, but with light, mercy and hope. (Sophia, 2003)"


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