Wednesday, January 12, 2011

UTEP Southwest Lit reading list for term papers add - on!

Kevin Mulroy's Freedom on the Border.

"The Seminole Maroons in Florida, the Indian Territory, Coahuila, and Texas."

Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech University Press, 1993.

Plus, for bilingual students, there's a wowser of a thesis at the UTEP Library detailing the modern day relationship between descendants of the Seminole Scouts here in Brackettville, and their current families in such places as (if I remember correctly from Spring 2004!) Nacimiento ...

The back cover tells us, in part:

"In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, black runaways braved an escape from slavery in an unprecedented alliance with Seminole Indians in Florida.

"This is the story of the maroons' ethnogenesis in Florida, their removal to the West, their role in the Texas Indian Wars, and the fate of their long quest for liberty and self - determination along both sides of the Rio Grande,

"Their tale is rich, colorful, and epic, stretching from the swamps of the Southeast to the desert Southwest..."


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