Friday, March 04, 2011

"Imagine ... an artillery forward observer and a chopper pilot rushing to rebuild an infantry company..."

April 21, 1967.

Battle of Binh Son I

Vietnam War's Nui Loc Son / Hill 185 and aftermath of Operation Union I.

Old Fox Co. 2/1's Dick Black offers "One final remark about personal awards."

"Units that don't get torn to shreds, often get more personal awards for gallantry because they have more survivors and more time to spend writing up award citations.

"Our FO, Lt. Mike Hays, and I both tried to write up some guys.

"But honestly, we were so desperately working to reconstitute the company and organize the replacements, that guys who probably rated very high awards were simply overlooked.

"Imagine, if you will, an artillery observer and a chopper pilot rushing to rebuild an infantry company; that tells you just how hard - up Fox Company was in the aftermath of April 21st.

"So many were lost on April 21st, then 18 days later, on 9 May 1967 both my radiomen died and I was wounded.

"Mike Hayes, Denny Grall, Sgt. Tierhorst and many others were wounded too.

"We took over 50% casualties in three weeks time.

"I recall 55 WIA just on April 21st.

"Then, we lost men all the way toward the Hoi An River on May 9th.

"And after the river crossing, we lost a bunch of men on the far side too.

"From the radio traffic, I guess we medevaced two KIA and another dozen WIA at least.

"So many of you certainly earned and rated personal decorations that were never received.

"But when it's said and done, all we can do is salute each and every one of you for incredible things you did during that time on Nui Loc Son.

"Semper Fi!


Endorsement of the sentiments above by Maj. Gen.Gene Deegan, USMC, Ret. -- former Fox 2/1's C.O.:


"Great work!

"Your comments are spot on.

"S/F Gene"


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