Friday, May 06, 2011

The Most Reverend Oscar Cantu, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas...

Will be in Brackettville, Texas -- 78832 -- tomorrow afternoon.

To confer the Roman Catholic episcopal sacrament of confirmation!

On candidates from Brackettville's
Saint Mary Magdalene's and Spofford's / Saint Blaze / San Blas Catholic communities.

Way to go, your excellency!

You'll find the candidates well prepared, as priest, deacons and CCD teachers have all worked hard -- together! -- to get everyone ready! :)

Yet, we're just a tiny bit disappointed to hear that your Big Boss appears to have told you, your excellency:

To keep quiet about such current unpleasant Brackettville, Texas, "Catholic Realities" as:

The Sacred Host as a Psychiatric Placebo.

So - called Indoor Paper - trash burning mitotes - or New Age Spiritualist Rituals.

Long - term systematic embezzlement of Church funds coupled -- as a logical consequence last December! -- with stiffing contractors up to $20,000 a pop, etc.

Which implies in turn that the so - called Missing Slush Fund of around $450,000 is now skipping its way around from one archdiocesan bureaucrat's personal bank account to another archdiocesan bureaucrat's personal bank account to -- who knows where?

Some off - shore People's Bank of Nigeria?

But, then again!

Maybe Archbishop Gustavo hasn't told you to play along ...

By this Sunday morning, we should know, huh? :)


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