Friday, July 08, 2011

Take II: Archbishop Lucey -- Father Rihn -- Mr. Phil Sheridan.

"1966. Following Vatican Council II, Mister Sheridan received a phone call from Father Carlos Quintana (R.I.P.).

"Father Carlos told me to be in the Archbishop's Office the next day at 10:00 a.m.; the Archbishop wanted to visit with me.

"The following day I arrived at the Chancery at the time designated...

"The Archbishop himself was the one who conducted the interview.

"Some of his questions directed to me were the following:

"Question: Mister Sheridan, are you a member of St. Pius X Parish?

"Answer: Yes.

"Question: Is Father Rihn your Pastor?

"Answer: Yes.

"Question: As a member of the Parish, what can you tell me about the Day of Recollection at St. Pius conducted recently by the Paulist Fathers from Austin, Texas?

"Answer: Your Grace, it was a very unorthodox Day of Recollection. The Paulist Fathers on the surface appeared more Protestant than Catholic.

"Question: Was Father Rihn present at the Day of Recollection?

"Answer: Yes, he was.

"Question: What can you tell me about the Mass as said by Father Rihn?

"Answer: You Excellency, Father Rihn is the only priest in the Archdiocese saying Mass facing the people. The other priests say Mass facing God in the Tabernacle.

"Question: What do you know about the sermons of Father Rihn?

"Answer: Father Rihn is all for change in Holy Mother Church. He belittles Tradition and the authority of Rome. As President of St. Joseph's Retreat House, I have visited with the very orthodox Assistant Director of the Retreat House, Father Wayne Cozad, O.M.I. (R.I.P.) about the sermons of Father Rihn. Father Cozad and I agree that Father Rihn is a student of the non - orthodox Jesuit, Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

"Question: What is your opinion of your pastor?

"Answer: Your Grace, Father Rihn is the darling of the Protestant Community. He impresses me as being more Protestant than Catholic ..."


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