"Is this true ...?"
You don't say??!! :)
How Jesus conned 4,000 people ...
...into sharing all the contents of their already - overflowing picnic hampers ...
... & Styrofoam ice chests...??!!
Catholic Answers' Magazine's Fr. Vincent Serpa vs.
"My son's religion teacher..."
March - April 2012 issue.
"My son's religion teacher told his class that when Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish, it was actually the people who took out extra food, and this was how there was enough food to feed the four thousand.
"Is this true?"
Fr. Serpa's answer:
"Apparently this fallacy is still making the rounds.
"It's not true.
"There is nothing in Scripture to suggest it.
"The Church certainly doesn't teach it.
"Our Lord and Savior was quite capable of multiplying the loaves and fish.
"To find greater credibility in the people sharing than in Jesus working a miracle is to have a problem with faith.
"--Fr. Vincent Serpa -- "
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