Thursday, February 23, 2012

Southwest Texas, U.S.A.

Brackettville, 78832.

Class of 2012.

Three more B.H.S. seniors ready to challenge the Real World.

Congratulations to Mr. Jeffrey Herrera, Ms. Yanira Perez & Mr. Eric Falcon.

Two of them, Ms. Yanira Perez and Mr. Eric Falcon, are even from Yolanda Rueda's Culinary Arts Class.

has for sometime now been the B.H.S.' legendary haute cuisine teacher!

And already her own example has inspired Yanira to dream that someday she'll "open my own diner..."

Otherwise, in the next ten years, as they shared their hopes recently with the Kinney County Post, Tuesday, February 21, 2012, we hear:

Mr. Jeffrey Herrera --
I'll be "Living in a nice place with my wife and 5 or 6 kids ..."

Ms. Yanira Perez --
I'll be "A successful nurse and just starting to open my own diner ..."

Mr. Eric Falcon -- I'll be "Continuing my career as an architect ..."

Way to go, great and cheerful people, although in a way it's kind of sad to lose you all ... :(

Good luck! :)


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