Monday, March 26, 2012

At last! -- for our "liberal and nominal Roman Catholic" brothers and sisters!

A New York Times ad geared to them:

"It's Time to Consider Quitting the Catholic Church"

"If you remain a good Catholic, you are doing bad to women's rights, etc..."

Snippet from Father John Leies' article in Today's Catholic, Friday, March 23, 2012.

Unhappily enough, Father John A. Leies, SM, STD studiously ignores Father Ron Rohlheiser, OMI own clown - like theological monkeyshines and loyally concentrates his ire on the gloriously whimsical clowns who put the NYT ad into play, instead!

The clowns are calling themselves the Freedom from Religion Foundation, whose Co - President is one Annie Laurie Gaylor, the " author of the ad."

So what?

It has to happen sooner or later, so who cares if 20 - 30 million self - described "liberal and nominal Roman Catholics" haul - a*s out the door??!! :)

It's the likes of Father Ron Rohlheiser, OMI -- who stay -- that are the folks who are most dangerous in the long run -- "what say you say??" -- just stop for a second and think about it .... :)

Once again: Father John Leies, SM, STD. -- knows he had better keep his mouth both shut and padlocked around the likes of good 'ole Father Ron!

For all Father John A. Leies, SM, STD. "is president emeritus of St. Mary's University and was formerly head of the Theology Department there..."


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