Saturday, March 24, 2012

"As we'll see in Scripture, Mary didn't really get Jesus"

"It takes a whole world to understand a whole Christ"

Snippet from J. Michael Parker's article, Rohlheiser explores salvation [ha, ha, HA!] outside Christianity in lecture series. In Today's Catholic. Friday, March 23, 2012.

"The priest quoted Kenneth Cragg, an Anglican missionary to Islam, as saying that It takes a whole world to understand a whole Christ..."

Rohlheiser then pontificates:

"[W]e should never pretend that we know the whole mystery of Christ.

"As we'll see in Scripture, Mary didn't really get Jesus.

"She got parts of his message, but other parts she didn't quite get; neither did the disciples, and neither do we.

"He was always larger than their understanding..."

Oh my, you don't say?? :)

A revealing photo by Mr. Parker himself shows a good chunk of the 285 largely Kum - By - Ya crowd of dour - looking old ladies that seem to make up Fr. Rohlheiser's die hard fans this days.

Wonder how many are ex - nuns??!! :)


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