"Divine Mercy at heart of New Evangelization"
By Dan Valenti in the Marian Helper quarterly magazine.
Snippets from the Spring 2012 issue.
"A primary way the Catholic Church renews itself and maintains its vitality is through evangelization.
"In the words of Pope John Paul II, we are called to proclaim Christ to all peoples.
"Blessed John Paul II brought this mission to renewed focus when he called for the Church to commit all of [its] energies to a new evangelization.
"The Great Mercy Pope said ...'
And, here it is:
"The expression New Evangelization was popularized in the encyclical of Pope Paul VI -- Evangelization in the Modern World -- as a response to the new challenges that the contemporary world creates for the mission of the Church..."
Back to Dan Valenti!
"Like his predecessors, Pope Benedict XVI is emphasizing the need for such evangelization.
"In fact, the Holy Father has chosen the New Evangelization as the theme for the next World Synod of Bishops, scheduled for October at the Vatican.
"Mindful of their mission to evangelize through The Divine Mercy message and enable human hearts to experience God's tender love for them, the Marians continue to spread this message in expanding ways.
"These include the work of their Divine Mercy lay apostolates, Divine Mercy parish missions, assistance to parishes throughout the world, missionary work, and more ..."
You bet!! :)
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