Saturday, March 17, 2012

Far, far away, in a remote and still - Developing Part of the Third World...

Hardy daughters of a tough pioneering stock ...

cheerfully decide to defy the gloom
& doom ...

and have some
really fine family fun

Southwest Texas
, U.S.A.

Brackettville, 78832

Such YAs as Aunt Lety & Mama Laura, etc. -- from the Matriarchal side of the vast Rivas - Martinez - Zamora - Talamantes - Perez Clans well - represented both Moms and Maternal Aunts as they drove careening around on three - wheelers with assorted children and nieces and nephews yesterday evening.

Thereby giving everyone a terrific time -- on the last weekday of Spring Break 2012!

Rest assured, a terrific all - family party followed!

Way to go, ladies! :)


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