Wednesday, March 21, 2012

From the Jesuits' America magazine, March 12, 2012.

Snippets from Saint Louis University philosophy professor Father John F. Kavanaugh, S.J. on:

"Absence of Evidence:

"Our political judging should approximate courtroom procedures"

"Our" rough synopsis:

"We have already witnessed previews of the diatribes that will be launched against President Obama: He hates America, He has a hatred for white people. He hates capitalism.

"Could someone please name the source that justifies such assertions?

"At best these are perverted interpretations.

"At worst they are vile slanders..."


"The other side knows how to distort evidence as well.

"Now that former Senator Rick Santorum seems to be surging as the possible Republican nominee, look for (if it has not already happened by the time this column appears) liberals to mount an orchestrated ridicule of his approach to human sexuality and his antipathy toward abortion.

"The question is this: if autonomy is the supreme principle in matters of sexual attraction and love, then on what grounds do we deny marriage between five consenting adults or someone who wants to marry a domesticated pet?

"We may not like the examples or analogy, but has anyone offered an answer to his question?

"Similarly, in his opposition to partial birth abortion, Santorum has been criticized for his graphic descriptions of the procedure.

"But why?

"Must such evidence be suppressed..?"

Good point, Professor! :)


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