Thursday, April 26, 2012

From the American TFP's magazine Crusade  May / June 2012.

 "Bullying Homosexualists"

And spell check says Duh? Excuse me!

"Tennessee State Senator Stacey Campfield was denied service and thrown out of The Bistro restaurant  in Knoxville because of his recent politically incorrect comments on the health risks of homosexual behavior.

"In a radio interview Senator Campfield said that someone who is not a homosexual, someone who is not an IV drug user, someone who is not sleeping with someone who is one of those things is not likely to contract AIDS.

"One of the senator's sources was a Center for Disease Control report which found that the rate of HIV cases among homosexuals is more than 44 times that of heterosexual men and more than 40 times that of heterosexual women even though homosexuals make up  less than two percent of the general population.

"After being thrown out of the pro - homosexual - only bistro, Senator Campfield posted on his blog that it was just another example of the open - minded tolerant left.  They claim tolerances for divergent points of view ... until someone actually has one .... "

Good point, Professor! :)


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