Monday, December 31, 2012

"My father was raised by wolves.

"When you shook his family tree, nuts and drunks rained down ..."

Robert Grassley in Saved: A Wretch Like Me. In Catholic Answers Magazine.  

January - February 2013 issue.

"My dad's mother was a drug addict.

"His father was trapped by mental health issues.

"My father was lucky to survive his upbringing.

"I believe he loved Christ in his own way, but was never taught how to move beyond his own suffering. 

"I suppose it's heartbreaking when you realize Jesus isn't Santa Claus and he doesn't always give us what we want.

"It's unfortunate that my dad died without healing that relationship.

"I hope and pray he snuck into Purgatory.

"But he died with a belly full of booze, and, I imagine, a heart full of unforgiveness and a ton of un - confessed sin ...." 

Hope always compels us to trust in the Mercy of Jesus no matter how terrible things may look in any one's life! :)


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