Thursday, July 27, 2006

[August] 13, 2003.

"Memo To: Chief of Police WILLIAM ADCOX, via UTEP police administrative clerk, Ms. ARACELI FERNANDEZ.

From: UTEP Senior Dennis Paul Morony.

Dear Chief Adcox:

Regarding the copy of the so-called "maybe memo" enclosed, over [UTEP] Associate Dean Ms. Lisa D. Campos Emmert's signature, on page two where we are told Ms. [Viviana Marisela] CARDONA and/or Detective FONSECA "may" [as in also "may not"] show up for the scheduled public and recorded hearing presenly set for 9:00 am Friday morning, August 15th., here are the questions that would be asked, in writing, through UTEP's designated hearing officer:"

Etc. etc. etc...



Mr. Morony: "During the time frame from monday, July 21, at 11:30 am -- to 5 p.m. Wednesday, July 23, 2003, did you personally or did another member of the UTEP police department meet - at the UTEP police station -- with Ms. VIVIANA MARISELA CARDONA? A simple yes or no is all we [are] asking for: this is not a fishing expedition!"

Detective Fonseca: "Yes."

Mr.Morony: "During the time frame from Monday, August 11th at 8:00 AM thorugh Thursday, August 14th at 5 PM, did you personally or did another member of the UTEP police department meet -- at the police station -- with Ms. VIVIANA MARISELA CARDONA? A simple yes or no is all we're asking for, etc."

Detective Fonseca: "No." [There are some quiet signals at this point, indicating that this very morning, Friday, August 15, 2003, he had indeed been a witness to something involving Ms. Campos --Emmerts, and Ms. Cardona, but I didn't want to go into it at that moment, with both Ms. Campos Emmert and Dr. Munter present. Plus this wasn't a "real deal" court situation. As we had both chuckled earlier, if it had been, then both prosecution and defense attorneys would have been going off in all directions with the old "Objection, your honor!" routine.]

Mr. Morony: [After he cracks a joke to alert the detective that this one is going to be one long doozy!] "During the time frame from appiroximately 3:30 pm Tuesday, July 22, 2003, through 3:30 pm Wednesday, July 23, 2003, we know for certain that two(2) phone calls were initiated in our presence by the chief of detectives of a private firm over on Montana street [The legendary J.J. Armes aka The World's Greatest Detective, who UTEP's own Dr. Diana was so mistaken as to personally attempt to shake down years earlier, using his two adult children as hostages to fortune, her own + UTEP's, that same legendary Mister J.J. Armes, alive and in person! Added 7/27/2006. Dennis]: one for UTEP Chief of Police Mr. WILLIAM ADCOX, and the other to Police Detective A. FONSECA. We are not aware of a third one, at least a third one was not made to anyone at UTEP in our presence. Both of the other two calls were eventually returned within this same time frame.

"But we have some pretty firm evidence that a third party either made a call upon her own initiative to the Montana street location within this same time frame from her work location at UTEP,or returned a phone call she had received at her UTEP work location during this same time frame.

"She was more or less described to us in a telephone ocnversaiton beginning at around 3:15 pm Wednesday, July 23, as a female employee of some student office there at UTEP.

"Thus our question here is: would you happen to know if this person was the [UTEP] Assistant Dean of Students, Ms. Lisa D. Campos-Emmert? Because if the answer is yes, it was, then this in turn may well open up yet another line of inquiry in the years to come, as this case ambles its way along."

Detective Fonseca: [Brief pause] "No." [Another, longer pause] "I don't know."

Mr. Morony: "Thank you!"

[Bingo! We had our answer!]


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