Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Friday, January 14, 2005
From: Morony, Dennis P.
To: dbedell@dallasnews.com
Subject: Consistent patterns pointing to possible massive fraud [using] public funds at the University of Texas El Paso.

Hello, Mr. Bedell:

Say, get a load of this: during the five-month period beween March 07, 2002 and up to and including July 30, 2002 four University [of Texas] at El Paso Faculty members, three from the college of Education and one from Languages and [L]inguistics, moved some money into real estate deals. Now, this JUST may have been coincidental, but we doubt it.

Specifically: UTEP faculty members Doctors Richard R. Ford, Mourat A. Tchoshanov, Josefina V. Tinajero, and doctoral candidate (in education) Lisa D. Campos Emmert, as we've told Liberal Arts Associate Dean Myron H. Nadel, "managed to blow through $827,279 worth of real estate deals." We added: "[I]t is also true that [by the fact that] United States Attorney Johnny Sutton and the legendary FBI Agent Leslie Nelson were busy elsewhere,thanks tol one Sardar Eldarovich Gasanov and the latter's sucessful duping of UTEP's then star attractions ... Doctors Eppie Rael and Siddartha Das, [these four were subject to no outside scrutiny].

Mr. Bedell, an unfortunate side effect of all this is that, again, as we told Dean Nadel, [is that] "little or no such free and easy use of the public's money has ever managed to trickle down to those hardworking TAs in the [UTEP] Music Department, and you know something Dean Nadel? That's a doggone shame!"

And it IS! For the past two weeks or so, the water was cut off to the entire [UTEP] Music Department Building, and the staff -- in spite of the cold weather -- was relegated to the use of two(2) portable potties.

Now, back to UTEP's Gang of Four + 1, three of whom + 1 now have immediate access to a $10 million-dollar research slush fund, courtesy of the Federal and State Governments. [El Paso TIMES, Fall of 2003].

El Paso County Appraisal District public online records reveal the follow[i]ng:

#1: Ford, Richard R. [Linguistics] $193,088 March 03, 2002.
#2: Tchoshanov, Mourat A, etc. $65,286 March 27, 2002 [Turkmeni, "imported" from that area as Gasanov was from next door neighbor, Uzbekistan. Made this purchase after completing less than four(4) semesters of teaching + "research" at College of Education, UTEP]
#3 Tinajero, Roberto José and JOSEPHINA V. $398,277 June 24, 2002.
Samo-samo-samo, following year: $64,406 June 27, 2003.
#4 EMMERT, LISA D. and Sonny P.: $106,222 July 30, 2002.

Mr. Bedell, a real potentially problematical situation NOW arises regarding one DR. JUDITH HOPE MUNTER, "Associate Dean for Research, [UTEP]College of Education."


She has a lot to say about how and how fast that $10 million can be blown off.

So what?

[Because a] leisurely investigation over the past six or seven months has brought to light some unsettling demographic oddities.

There appears to be someone with an uncanny resemblance down to apparently having the same first, middle and last names, address and zip code here in El Paso, whose occupation appears compatible with that of an all-American so-called "Queen of the Online Hos," whose preferred good buddies need not concern themselves too much as top their own marital status, as she has already marked the appropriate spot next to that entry with the word "Any."

Feel free to check out her radiant beauty at: Yahoo! Personals, Profile ID: personals - 1081318347-416999.

Get a load of this:

[UTEP College of Education] Dean reportedly has a birthdate [falling] between the 1st. and 22nd. day of September, 1956. Claims she's "48."

[Meanwhile the] ho says she's "49." But! Her zodiac sign is [still] Virgo -- between August 22 and September 22.

Dean says she's a University of El Paso School of Education licensed professional in "Education," perhaps like her unfortunate Uzbeki predescessors, whose credentials [in Biological Science, I suppose as UTEP Adjunct Faculty. Added today, 7/25/2006] were also "impeccable," as the Gasanov case makes so clear.

The ho, by contrast, claims she's in the "Medical/Health Services Ocupation," raking in "$50,000 to $74,499" per year. "Tax free?" Hmmm.. GOOD question, Mr. Bedell!

Addendum Re. Dr. JOESPHINA TINAJERO: "We" got some unsolicited computer-generted [snail] mail from a six digit mail box in Bloomington, Indiana, telling "us" that Thanks to the warm recommendations of Dr. Tinajero -- yours truly couold get an immaculate set of genuinely phoney educational credentials. They even take credit cards. My goodness!

Well, hope you all might find something here worth pursuing, if not, better luck next time.

Yours truly,

[ Illegible scrawl! ]

Dennis Paul Morony, UTEP Senior, English and American Literature

[Sent "snail mail" same day, as webmail was yuck! Dennis]

My xerox copy has this scribbled on the top of the 2nd. page: "BLUE/GREEN SATURN TX S14-RDZ?"

Oh, my goodness!



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