Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Lt. Col. David Abbott, USA, and NMSU's Real Life Peeing Statue Mystery!

Source One, of a number: Robinson, Patrick. Kilo Class. New York: Harper Paperbacks, 1999.

Page 88:

"There was something about a large bronze statue of a departed admiral, which had been, mysteriously, filled with water by an unknown expert with a small drill; the statue peed for three days from a tiny hole in the front of its dress trousers."

Source Two A: Lt. Col. David Abbot to Dennis Paul Morony. Mon, 26 Sep 2005 16:20:45-0600.

Mr. Morony,

I have talked to the cadets in question, and apparently a minor inicdent did occur with a few inebriated UTEP fans. My cadets did not think the inident was noteworthy enough to mention or to file a formal complaint. Unfortunately, there always sems to be those inconsiderate few that mar great rivalries with inapprpriate behavior. Rest asssured that neither my cadets nor I consider the incident indicative of the fans or students of UTEP."


David L. Abbott, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army.

The above was in response to Dennis Paul Morony's long, rambling and inflammatory letter to Lt. Col. David Abbott, Thursday, September 22, 2005, 7:21 PM.

To: LTC David L. Abbott

Re: Reported shoving and spitting upon NMSU ROTC cadets, plus one(1) or more female NMSU photographers [Note: no specific mention by me here of female ROTC photographer, o.k.? O.K.! Added 7/25/2006], purportedly by some of [UTEP] Coach Mike Price's newly acquired Palace Guard of Miscellaneus Drunken Mike Foxtrots, (MDMFs, for short) or whatever he [UTEP's Coach Price] calls them.

Dear Colonel:

As a former enlisted Marine Combined Action Platoon Leader, one of around 114 senior Corporal E-4s and junior to senior Sergeant E-5s personally recruited in 1969 by the legendary Col. Edgar Danowitz, who in turn told us not long ago that HE had been a platoon leader in WW II, a company commander in Korea, a battalion commander in the Santo Domingo intervention, etc. I WOULD appreciate knowing just WHAT (if anything!) went on at he recent NMSU-UTEP Game over there in 'Cruces.

You see, the UTEP student newspaper printed what sounded like a blow-by-blow eyewitness account in the edition or Wednesday, September 14, 2005.

Yesterdy's edition (it only comes out once a week these days, on Wednesdays), September 21, 2005 made no mention of the incident at all, much less any attempt at rebuttal by our own UTEP administrators.

As a sometime UTEP student myself [Like, after December 31, 2099, heh, heh, HEH! Added with malicious glee by me, 7/25/2006! dpm], and still by and larg a loyal miners' fan, I find the whole business kinda unreal, like one of those shake and bake Hollywood movies of the late 1960s, something along the lines of Sam Peckinah's "Riot on Sunset Strip."

But, hell, I'd have thought by now, al that "stuff" was ancient history.

So, unless Ms. Francie Fenwick, Attorney and Board Member and Legal Counsel for the University of Texas System Board of Regents, in Austin, Texas, has already agre[sic.] to give you all a couple of cool million [As apparently happened this Spring, in another botched Dean of Students Dr. Julie S. Wong - UTEP case! Added 7/25/2006 dpm] to "help" finance an extra FTX or two, I'd appreciate learning from you as the senior OIC, just what the "flip" IS going on here!

Thanks, Colonel!

And "Semper Fi!"


Dennis Paul Morony

[ Former Sergeant E-5, MOS 0351, o311, 0331, 33 1/2 months combat duty in I Corps, RVN, between 11/66 and 11/69 ]

Note: as this case continued to unfold, sadly enough, one thing was quick to emerge. Lt. Col. David Abbott forgot a basic axion: "Yes, sir, No, mam, No excuse, sir or mam!" and instead decided to compromise his professional integrity as a commissioned officer by taking another road, one from which there could be no turning back.... hey, who knows? Maybe like Curtis Mayfield's classic line about a brother with a weakness of soul, or however it goes, only time would tell!


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