Janaury 27, 2005:
UTEP Police Dept. CID Case Incident Report Number 030661 rocks smack into it's second year!
[Emphasis and colors added here and there]
Office of the UTEP Dean of Students
102 West Union
El Paso, Texas
(915) 747-5648
FAX: (915) 747-6471
Dear Mr. Morony:
There have been allegations filed with this office realted to violations of official UTEP rules and regulations as stated in the UTEP Handbook of Operating Procedures of which you might have knowledge. Specifically, it is alleged that you distributed an email to individuals on and off campus that contained false statements about UTEP employees and the statements could harm their reputations, which could be a violation of:
The Handbook of Operating Procedures, (H.O.P.) 1.6(0), distributing, posting or carrying on campus any petition, handbill, sign, poster, or a piece of literature, or instilling, occupying or using on campus any booth or table, if the booth or table is wholly or partly for the distribution or dissemination of words or materials that are obscene, libelous, or that is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.
Section 2-202, Defamation, A. No person shall make,distribute, or display on the campus any statement that unlawfully defames any other person. B. A statement unlawfully defames another person if it is false, if the false portion of he statement injures the reputation of the otehr person, and if the speaker has the constitutionally required state of mind as set forth in decisions of the United States Supreme Court.
As a result of the above, you are required to meet with me to discuss your alleged involvement and to determine whether you should b eheld responsible for violating th epolicies stated above. You must answer this formal summons within 5 business days from the receipt of this letter by calling (915) 747-5648 to schedule an appointment. Failure to set an appointment to meet with me by February 4, 2005, may result in a disciplinary hold being placed on you racademic record, which would preclude you from registering for any classes until you do respond to this summons. [ In my own humble and yet unassuming case, through 12/31/2099, believe it or not! Heh, heh, heh! ] Please avoid this result by following the guidelines as described in this letter.
For your review, enclosed are three(3) brochures that explain The Discipline Process (Appendix A), The Hearing Process ( Appendix B ), and The Appeal Process (Appendix C). You are encouraged to read these brochures as they give you an outline of the discipline proces and your rights during the process. For further information, please refer to the following websites: http://it.utep.edu/hoop/ and http://www.utsystem.edu/bor/rules/ .
Christy D. Moran, Ph D.
Assistant Dean of Students
cc: Dean of Students Disciplinary File
Enclosures: (3)
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