Friday, July 14, 2006

"So what's the protocol for disgraced high-ranking female University employees these days, in post-ENRON North America?"

Answer: "Same as for their male counterparts!"

And that is to take advantage of roughly any one of three (3) options, or any combination of the below that works.

These options are:

1) Transfer, perhaps followed by re-hiring in some other capacity for, let us say, six figures and up.

2) Plead guilty and beat jail time.

3) Commit suicide the old fashioned way: by jumping off the nearest highrise.

Now, for a brief review of these options:

Option 1) Former U.C. Provost M.R.C. Greenwood. "Greenwood resigned in November [2005] after U.C. opened an investigation into the hiring of her business partner and son. But after Ms. Greenwood resigned, she was given a $301,840 paid leave of 15 months. Then, she was given a $163,800-a-year faculty job at U.C. Davis." Source: adapted from online Orange County Register, Monday, Feb. 13, 2006.

Option 2) Here we have Dolores Cross, former president of Morris Brown College. "ATLANTA -- The former president of Morris Brown College pleaded guilty Monday to embezzling millions of dollars in federal funds that were intended to cover student tuition. Cross resigned when allegations of mismanagement and fraud surfaced and Morris Brown lost its accreditation. Enrollment at the historically black Atlanta college plunged from 2,000 students to as low as 80." Source: MSNBC online May 1, 2006.

Option 3) Now it is the bizarre case of University of California-Santa-Cruz Chancellor Denice Denton, "the reasons why she plunged to her death from the roof of a San Francisco skyscraper remained a mystery. But almost from the moment she took the $275,000-a-year job as UC-Santa Cruz's ninth leader, she faced turmoil. The UC system did not initially reveal it had also hired [Gretchen] Kalolnji to a newly created position in the UC Office of the President that paid $192,000 annually. Kalonji, an engineering professor, was Denton's romantic partner for nine years."

"More recently, Denton's name surfaced in a UC executive compensation scandal because she received benefits that weren't disclosed when she was hired. She also came under fire for adding a $30,000 dog run as part of $600,000 in renovations to the chancellor's campus home." Source: Mercury News online, Mon., June 26, 2006.

So, how longer can UTEP carry 0n, until UTEP students, too, are left holding the bag?



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