Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Hey! Hey! Hey!

"Let's Take Back the Night!"

¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO! ¡Ora, NMSU!

Free Writing Rocks!

Free Writing Rolls!

"By do'in it, you can free your soul!"

Aprendan lo, oh mis lectores!"

Dr. Samantha Dena's UTEP Communications 1301-007 !!

Assignment #3: Persuasive Speech

75-second intro w/first poster board already in place


"How many of us have email, and like to write our friends and family for up to five minutes at a time, without worrying about grammar, punctuation or outlines?

"If we start off by writing at maximum speed for at least five minutes, we smash through all barriers.

"I was a published writer myself eleven years before beginning any teaching or tutoring. So I know a little bit about how writing works, in the real world.

"And so, today we are going to learn free writing and what it can do for us. And how it can make us all pros in the writing buisness.

"Let's all free write! Just do it! A revolutionary new policy!

"And actually learn something. Without teachers. Without money.

"Because we don't need to raise tuition to fix the writing problem.

"Any university can boast about its control of the English-writing classrooms by day; but we free-writing guerrillas can boast that we control our own minds by night.

"Free write! Just do it! We can empower ourselves to an education.

Main points:

Roman numeral I will start with B/W transparency: "Money won't solve education problems."

I. Let's all free write! Brilliant and ocntroversial El Paso educator Ramnath Subramanian fearlessly defies the establishment by publicly telling us the truth in his recent article in the El Paso Times: "Money won't solve education problems."

a. Let's all free write! Because as Mr. Subramanian assures us, "In America, education is big business."

b. Let's all free write! Because as Mr. Subramanian says, in his native India "There were no walls," in his elementary school.

c. Let's all free write! Because as Mr. Subramanian tells us, "...the education I received was far superior to anything I have witnessed in American classrooms."

d. So, let's all free write! And so empower ourselves to get an even better education, in that wall-less school of an open mind.

e. Free write! The nights belong to us. Just do it! Today!

Roman numeral II will start with B/W transparency: "You knew...."

II. Authors Edward P. Bailey and Philip A. Powell tell us in their book, The Practical Writer, "You knew what you wanted to write."

a. But we couldn't make things work!

b. The free writing solution?

c. They tell us, "Don't stop to think an ddon't stop writing."

d. These experts say, "Make yourself write for perhaps five minutes...."

e. And don't worry, if as the authors tell us, "A lot of nonsense ... appear[s] on your page."

f. Because both Bailey and Powell assure us, "...buried in the nonsense may well be a few nuggets."

Roman numeral III will start with B/W transparency: "Writing..."

III. Now, authors James D. Lester and James D. Lester, Jr. tell us in their famous book, Writing Research Papers, "To free write, merely focus on a topic and write whatever comes to mind."

a. They say, "Do not worry about grammar."

b. They say, "Do not worry about style."

c. Both authors agree, "Do not worry about penmanship."

d. We are told, "But keep writing nonstop for apage or so."

30-second conclusion w/second poster board in place

And so, as Mr. Subramanian tells us, "Money won't solve education problems." But we can say for ourselves "That's o.k., too!" Because while money can control any university's writing classes by day, we can take control of empowering ourselves through learning and practicing free writing by night.

Free write! And take back the night. A revolutionary new policy.

Remember! "The night belongs to the free-writing guerrillas."

Just do it!



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