"Last words of one of those famous old time Western gunfighters?"
¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!
"Hey, check out the real-deal live quote below!"
Things could change again. Maybe someone will blow my head off. There's no guarantee that my final hand will be a good one.
"This man's enemies were real. Unlike his less fortunate Mexican PRI political compadre, however, he was even lucky enough to have had a friend or two who was also real.
"And, no Virginia! These enemies were not computer-generated invading electronic alien space NAZIs, like the ones that terrified one poor old priest at St. Pat's sometime back, as he caught them red-handed in a brazen attempt to to take over the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. The first Monday in July, 2006, a night of the full moon.
"Nor were this man's real-life enemies those bad 'ole spiritually-penetrating (heh, heh!) entities sent down by that equally legendary bad 'ole Afro-Latino goddess, Mean 'Ole Mama Whang Bu*, like the ones that helped gave such a riebald thrill to the Mens ACTS Retreat Communty's favorite clown-ho in his role as Satan's Herald, at the misnamed Holy Cross Retreat Center in Old Mesilla, New Mexico, March 2006.
* True, her name does bear a fascinating resemblance, in turn, to the character of a female brothel owner in a famous South African homicide detective novel, but real life is like that some times, "so what can I say?"
"Instead this man's enemies finally had enough brains -- as did their KGB masters in Moscow -- to yank his military record and exam the evidence therein very closely indeed.
"What they found was disturbing.
"He not had not only made his share of real life combat patrols with live ammunition in his supposedly peaceful native country in the mid 1960s, he had won special leave for being a crack rifle shot. Then, like many of his equally tough and aggressive spiritual soul brothers less than ten years earlier in old French North Africa, this man, too, had then gone on to attend a grueling special nine-month NCO Academy.
"There he had won his corporal's stripes, awarded personally to him by a serving general, more than likely himself a man with extensive wartime combat experience, probably in his case with the usual WW II stay-behind partisan units.
"Fact: These same Comrades had earlier on dismissed him as a looney.
"Fact: On the opposite side of the political spectrum, the supposedly anti-Communist American Catholic Church Press had likewise blown him off. In their case, it was because this man is nothing more than another publicity-loving flake.
"Fact: The senior general reviewing all this in conjunction with the man's military record book suddenly experienced a most gut wrenching personal epiphany:
"Fact: The so-called reasoning behind the first two so-called Facts above was really nothing less than a real fu*k up.
"Fact: The only fact that mattered, the general concluded, was that this man, this Looney-Flake he was about to meet face to face was as potentially dangerous as hell itself. Both to him and to his Moscow KGB comrades.
"Fact: In short, this general reasoned, the man's military record and his often times repeated personal philosophy of life (above) added up to one and the same mystery:
"Just what were those people of his really after?"
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