Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Junction, Texas to Mexico City !!

Eighty - two days by covered wagon in 1890.

Two English ladies with Winchesters ready to hand !!

Plus a tag - a - long homeboy or two for escort ...

Texas Ranch Life, by Mary J. Jaques, reprint of 1894 ed.

Pages 264 - 265.

"Having passed Bracketville [sic.], Fort Clark, and Las Moras Creek, we entered Spofford Junction seven days after leaving Fort Territt and at once perceived a great improvement in the roads.

"Spofford Junction is a station on the South Pacific line, where it joins the Mexican International Railway, which was opened for traffic on March 1, 1888.

"About fifteen miles from Eagle Pass we came across a large cow outfit, and traveled with it some distance.

"Mr. Langford, the boss, [furnished] us with information concerning our route.

"This being Sunday, and grass and water plentiful, we determined to halt for the night where we were and enter Eagle Pass the following morning..."


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