Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Archbishop Daniel N. DiNardo starts his crack-down!!

Archdiocese of Galveston - Houston, June 10, 2007.

"... The following [10] regulations are to be faithfully observed in every church and chapel and posted in all sacristies."

"2. Eucharistic Ministers should be appropriately dressed when distributing Communion during the liturgy.

"On several occasions I have directed that men, including young men, must wear a coat and tie and women modest dresses or pant suits.

"This directive is to be observed even for Youth Masses.

"8. Eucharistic bread made from wheat and water alone is the only valid bread for the Eucharist.

"Homemade breads crumble easily and it is difficult to keep sizeable fragments from falling to the floor.

"The use of traditional hosts prevents this and maintains the proper decorum and respect for the sacramental presence of Jesus.

"9. The manner in which one dresses for Mass, even on vacation, is a reflection of profound belief in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

"Prayerful silence in church before the Mass begins is the proper and fitting preparation for celebrating this great mystery of faith.

"The traditional genuflection before the tabernacle is an act of adoration which witnesses to belief in th epresence of the risen Christ in the Sacrament.

"If the tabernacle is not in the sanctuary of the Church, a profound bow towards the altar is an appropriate sign of reverence.

"10. Finally, I want to make clear to everyone that the use of Extraordinary Ministers is approved by the Holy Father, contrary to rumors one hears from tme to time.

"Diocesan bishops have been given the authority to allow Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in their diocese and the bishops alone regulate their ministry within liturgical celebrations.

"Those who deny that Extraordinary Ministers are approved by the Church are in conflict with the authority of the Church."

+ Daniel N. DiNardo
Archbishop of Galveston - Houston
June 10, 2007
Solemnity of Corpus Christi


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