September 14, 2007:
A modest beginning of the end of the 40 - year stranglehold over the Catholic Church in America by that doofus so - called "New Age" Kumba Yah Crowd (heh, heh, heh!)
"Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross."
Here at St. Mary Magdalene's Parish Church in Brackettville, our "Deacon Emeritus" did the honors by doing the Communion Service, 12 of us total in attendance.!
The readings in the missalette for today included St. Paul's admonition in Galatians 6:14, "We should glory in the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ..."
And then came to mind, at least to those of us of the Charismatic persuasion, those throbbing guitar chords of our Wednesday night get - togethers, that song with these defiant take it or leave it in - your - face lines:
"If you can't bear the Cross,
"Then you'll never wear the Crown,
"If you can't bear the Cross,
"Then you'll never wear the Crown,
"If you can't bear the Cross,
"Then you'll never wear the Crown,
"'Way, beyond, the Blue!"
"Do Lord, oh do Lord,
"Oh, do remember me!
"Do Lord, oh do Lord,
"Oh, do remember me!
"Do Lord, oh do Lord,
"Oh, do remember me!
"Way beyond the Blue!"
Even tough 'ole Mother Angelica's EWTN has got special programming to honor this most defnitive day in history.
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