Monday, November 05, 2007

A couple of books reviewed years back in America...

"Vows of Silence: The abuse of Power in the Papacy"

by Janon Berry and Gerald Renner. Free Press. 353p $26.00. ISBN 0743244419.

As reviewer Fr. Thomas H. Stahel, S.J. tells us:

"It is Berry's and Renner's view that the power play used in sexual abuse is mirrored in the power plays used by the hierarchy to shut people up about it, as when Cardinal Law [of Boston] swore an abuse victim to confessional secrecy...."

America, April 19 - 26, 2004.

"Our Fathers: The Secret Life of the Catholic Church in an Age of Scandal"

by David France: Broadway Books. 656p $26.95. ISBN 0767914309.

Rev. Fr. Stahel, S.J., again!

"The book is better than any movie will be.

"It has fascinating if incidental historical narrative besides stories of abuse and coverup.

"For instance, how Barbara Blaine founded SNAP ("Survivors Netwrok of Those Abused by Priests").

"How The Boston Globe changed from being protective of the church to being adversarial.

"How Dominic Spagniola got his priesthood, lost it, got it back, then lost it again."

America, April 19 - 26, 2004.

Wow! Both sound like good deals to order right here in Brackettville, Texas -- through the Interlibrary Loan Dept. of our friendly neighborhood Kinney County Library, don't you think ??!!


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