Incoming info on Lt Col Abbot!!
Here's a brief recap:
(1) "Something" goes down at UTEP - NMSU game in Sept. 2005. Female UTEP eyewitness sees most all of it. And that at least two(2) NMSU coeds were involved, one(1) female ROTC member, one NMSU student newspaper member. Her observations make it to the pages of the UTEP Prospector.
(2) Dennis contacts her. She replies confirming her indentity and provides more detailed eye - witness info.
(3) Dennis contacts Lt. Col Abbott.
(4) Lt Col Abbott responds.
(5) Lt. Col. Abbott then really screws up, contacts senior female administrator for NMSU in Las Cruce. Gives her his own mendacious version -- only this time it's take #2.
(6) She forwards the whole mess, including NMSU Police Chief Chavez's equally lying and mendacius spin to Dennis, most likely unbeknownst to both the NMSU Police Chief and Lt. Col. Abbott (heh! heh!), who has become very, very intangled in his own little web of deception and coverup.
(7) Now! Comes James F. an eyewitness NMSU ROTC cadet in his own right.
In James own words:
"You think you know what happened, but I was one of the [male ROTC] cadets that was assaulted at that game.
"After we had finished going up the stairs at the southgate, I reported the incident to a New Mexico State Police officer, not a [NMSU] University officer, but I was told that nothing could be done as they did not see the incident.
"I was called into LTC Abbot's office and gave a verbal statement about the incident thevery next day.
"I had also informed my NCOIC of the incident immediately after it had occured.
"It's a shame I ran into this web page a year too late.
"If you don't believe me, just reply to this comment and I'll give you contact info."
NOTE: In his followup this am, James F. says: "So what would you like to know?"
My answer: "James, every flipp'in thing, o.k.? OK!
Semper Fi, soldier!
So what would you like to know?
Yo, James!
If you got it, please feel free to send it.
Here's what happened. Another Cadet and I were in charge of the joint Army and Air Force ROTC color guard for the NMSU/UTEP Football game. After the game we changed into our BDU's to do the push-up squad with the Air Force cadets, that way we could be on the field for good seats to the game. The ROTC photographer was on the field with us and her friend was helping her by carrying her extra stuff. Around halftime we went up the SW side of the stadium because it was the shortest way to the ROTC van that we had came in. I was the first one up the stairs the photographer right behind and the other cadet bringing up the rear. There were all kinds of UTEP fans booing at us, I will never forget that older woman who joined the crowd in their insults. We were almost at the top of the stairs when one man, about my age at the time (19) actually stepped in my way and proceded to scream "FUCK NMSU". I walked my way past him, not dignifying the comment with a response as I was in uniform and had to maintain military bearing as best I could. The incident took place quickly, but all of us had had bottles and cups thrown at us and people getting in our faces as if ready to fight.
The photographers were pretty shaken up, so I did go the state police officer, but he said that since he hadn't seen the incident there was nothing he could do. I told my NCOIC what happened and we went back to Young Hall and went home. I was called into the ROTC office and LTC Abbott asked for a verbal statement on the incident. I told him what had happened and I was dismissed and that was really the last I had heard of it.
I wasn't just upset that the UTEP fans had disrespected uniformed cadets and their female photographers. I was upset that the NM State Police said that there was nothing that he could do. But now I am upset that I feel lied to. I had given verbal statement, never once saying that I didn't think it warranted any further action be taken. I would go ask the LTC what happened, but that was his last school year as PMS at NMSU.
I felt that I handled the situation to the best of my ability to uphold the Army Values and maintain the honor of Corps of Cadets.
James Ferrell, NMSU, Cadet Army ROTC
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