Monday, June 09, 2008

"Guatemalan university promotes free market"

Adapted from this source: The San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS, June 8, 2008. By Marla Dickerson, Los Angeles Times.

"Against all odds, college's founder has taught laissez - faire economics for 40 years"

"Welcome to Guatemala's Libertarian U..."

"GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala -- Leftist ideology might be gaining ground in Latin America.

"But it never will set foot on the manicured lawns of Franciso Marroquin University.

"Every undergratuate, regardless of major, must study market economics and th ephilosophy of individual rights embraced by the U.S. founidng fathers, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

As this university's founder is quoted as telling us here in Brackettville and UTEP, etc.:

"The poor are not poor just because others are rich.

"It' s not a zero - sum game."

"El Profe" Fundador, Manuel Francisco Ayau Cordon !!

"Ayau opened the college in 1972, fed up with what he viewed as the socialist instruction being imparted at San Carlos University of Guatemala, the nations's largest institution of higher learning.

"He named the new school for a colonial - era priest who worked to liberate native Guatemalans from exploitation by Spanish overlords."

A good read!


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