Thursday, August 14, 2008

More than 20 years before Catholic U.'s contribution to racial sensitivity on the SAT!!

Guess what

We had the "Blacksploitation movie" called something like Halls of Anger.

Around March of 1970, if I recall correctly.

A dedicated black teacher in a newly integrated California high school gives the heave - ho to some white State Board of Education jerk and starts asking questions of his own black students in all - American homeboy - jive.

Wow! The black kids in the class can really dig it!

At last. They've got a test that really rocks!

But the white kids, well, they have to be gradually won over... you can pretty well guess the rest. :)

So, hey!

Maybe that's where the clowns from Catholic U. 17 to 18 years ago, and maybe a little later on the equally perverted -- if not outright racist -- sub - committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, both dreamed up their own unique little adaptations of the separate but equal (ha, ha, HA!) underpinnings of so -called "Black Catholic Theology."


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