"...elements of paganism euphemistically called natural religion or witchcraft."
Adapted from this source: The Reform of Renewal, circa 1990, by EWTN's very own Fr. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R. pages 67 - 68.
"I was appalled recently when crowds [of mostly blond, blue - eyed people! :) ] flocked to hear an American priest presenting teachings that come very close to denying the Catholic doctrines of original sin, redemption and salvation and encouraging pseudoliturgical practices that include elements of paganism [as we do here locally in Faith Sharing classes!] euphemistically natural religion or witchcraft.
"How did the the people from the Isle of Saints and Scholars become intrigued by such original nonsense [as have the devoted followers of our local so - called White Magic Santería priestess, or Santera, Doña Berlanga? Some of whose relatives are claimed -- rightly or wrongly -- to still occupy many positions of power within our Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish to this very day?] ?
"They at least implicitly ignored or rejected a significant part of the Catholic theological Tradition while responding to their own impulses or needs [an example would be knowlingly mixing elements of Santero demonic - spirit worship with Christianity at Communion time in our own Catholic liturgies here locally, by Fr. Anton Quang Dinh Van and the Rev. Mr. James Bader, Permanent Deacon, etc.]
"The Gospel Call to Faith
"The only effective solution to the problem of personal insight versus faith is to return to the foundations of our Faith in the New Testament.
"Christ called His hearers to repentance, but He also called them to faith.
"And that call is as absolute in the Scriptures and in the Church as it was the day Christ called out, Repent and and believe the Good News..."
You know what? Prejudice and ignorant comments against Santeria are really getting boring and it`s quite tasteless. Because you losers insist on this we are going to insist on converting away Catholics to our faith.Keep this garbage up and we will declare War and we [ the Santeros] will definitly win.
Well said!
Well reasoned!
Do us a favor and do exactly that.
Because such priests and deacons as you most certainly will indeed convert will be of no loss to us, and of no gain for you.
Thanks for the input, and we wish you the very best of luck in helping us out in this manner.
May you you have the very best of luck...
"Ya ha comenzado la guerra..."
"Ya ha comenzado la guerra ..."
"Ya ha comenzado la guerra ..."
See ya / nos vemos...
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