The use of the Sacred Host as a psychiatric placebo by Fr. Anton Quang Dinh Van...
Abstracted from my daily notes for Saturday, May 17, 2008.
NOTE: This concerns two(2) children know to Farther Quang, his deacons, and to many more of us as children who had made neither their First Confession or their First Communion.
Both of [parent's children] N1 and N2 received Holy Communion from Fr. Anton Quang Dinh Van, in fact, N1 -- to do him credit -- seemed taken by surprise... etc.
NOTE TWO: You better believe the child was! Why? Because Fr Q pointedly ignored N1's respectful attitude and posture of having both arms and hands crossed upon his chest, as -- at long last!-- had been taught to him, most likely by Deacon N1, as the posture for children who had not yet made their First Confession and First Communion, but who wanted the blessings they were entitled to...
I was literally appalled by what I witnessed next: Fr. Q already had a surly expression as he now literally jabbed the Particle of Sacred Host at N1, with first, a down gesture meaning "Do you want It in the hand? " And then, an up gesture, "Do you wnat It on the tongue?"
Still obviousaly bewildered, and with an uncertain and confused expression, N1 opted to take the Particle of the Sacred Host on his tongue...
NOTE THREE: On the way out after Mass, I made sure Deacon N1 knew what I'd seen....
Saturday, August 30, 2008: Now kid N1 is totally lost...
Because after receiving the Sacred Host, he comes rapidly up the side aisle of the church, Something White is showing in his half -closed fist; he makes a furtive movement as though he is taking It into his mouth, but does he?
He then scuttles on past the pew at whose closest end I'm kneeling, less than a foot away...
Who, or what, was waiting for that particular Host, if indeed N1 takes It away with him?
Because in any case, and with what can only be imagined as the full consent of his own perverse will, Father Anton Quang Dinh Van has done his self - appointed -- albeit totally destructive! -- task thoroughly indeed.
Just as much as another priest would have if that other priest had been caught red - handed sticking his hands down inside some other troubled little kid's pants...
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