Thursday, September 04, 2008

"Black Mexicans see pride in lost history"

"... a crash course in negritud... "

Guadalupe Jaime Noyola
: When I left here and went to Mexico City for the first time in 1982, I realized that people looked at me differently, as if they were suspicious of me for some reason.

María de Jesús Marín:
teacher's assistant. My color may be white but my roots are back.

Adapted from this original source: Laurence Iliff, Mexico Bureau, The Dallas Morning News, Wednesday, April 3, 2002.

"Communities starting to discover roots, fight discrimination"

"SAN NICOLAS, Mexico -- Dark - skinned Mexicans along the southern Pacific Coast have long sensed their roots are distinct from the mixed - race majority dominated by European and Indian blood.

"But until relatively recently, many had only a sketchy idea why.

"Jorge Añorve Zapata
, 38, a schoolteacher from the Costa Chica, or small coast, south of Alcapulco said: A popular story says we came from a stranded African ship.

It's a nice story.

But as it turns out, the truth isn't so nice because we came in chains as slaves and were the first ones to drown.

"Now, African - Mexicans along the coast are discovering their roots, countering negative stereotypes, and trying to find their place in Mexican history.

"Government - issued textbooks describe coastal residents as festive dancers who happily raise cattle and corn.

"Crude drawings depict the physical charateristics of African Mexicans without offering much history.

"Mr. Añorve
, who worked in California in the early 1990s, said the books are clearly offensive, so he offers his preteen students a crash course in negritud, or blackness to counter official stereotypes..."

A fascinating read!


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