♫Oh, when Santeros come strolling in at Communion time to rule,
Our fearless K of C's are left to strum their agéd lips and drool!♪
Believe it or not, right on schedule, and with a nervous and hyped upped Deacon James Bader, already all but shedding tears and hyper - ventilating as though he had been awaiting his arrival throughout that same Mass, our favorite white - magic practicng Santero faithfully fulfilled his role in conforming himself to the current St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic parish protocol of allowing the use of the Blessed Sacrament as a psychiatric plecebo, by acceptng Holy Communion from the deacon, thus leaving his unprepared minor children to receive It at the hands of Fr. Pius Eseigbo himself -- perhaps unwittingly in Fr. Pius' case, as we opined yesterday in our FAX to both Father Pius and Father Tony Vilano.
We've been more or less developing a sociological concept, if you will, for our use in our Borderlands book in - progress, to fit cases like the one above
So, what we're saying here, folks, is that the use (or more accurately the abuse) of Holy Communion as merely a psychiatric placebo is an appropriate term we are going to use to describe such situations as those in which a single parent family, or a two - parent family have members of of at least two(2) or more generations who have themselves long since passed the point of no return by becoming chemically dependent on legally prescribed psycho - active, or psycho - tropic drugs masquerading as "medications," when in street parlance, all such chemicals are mind - benders!
In these cases, what either the parents or their children believe about the objective reality of Jesus Christ's Real Presence in Holy Communion is, in the eyes of the priests and deacons here at St. Mary Magdalene's and other places, totally irrelevant.
Because the name of the game is to keep the American Catholic Church's posterior from being sued, period.
Thus, as the American Catholic clergy assure us, through their actions, at least!
"Forget Jesus Christ as He truly is in the Blessed Sacrament!"
Date of this most recent offense: Saturday, September 13, 2008.
Location: Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church, Brackettville, Texas U.S.A Zip code 78832.
"Current" C.P.S. status of minor children: Unknown.
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