Monday, November 17, 2008

"The sharpshooter killers were not even in the same building where Oswald was arrested ..."

Jesuit Fr. George M. Anderson, S.J., weighs in on the JFK Assassination!

Adapted from this original Source: Father George M. Anderson's book review, Unmasking the Truth, of author James W. Douglass' JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why it Matters, "America" magazine, November 17, 2008.

"In 1962, [the famous combination Trappist/New Age monk Thomas] Merton wrote to a friend expressing little confidence in Kennedy's ability to escape the nuclear crisis in an ethically acceptable way: Maybe Kennedy will break through into that some day by miracle. But such people are before long marked out for assassination."

Farther Anderson goes on:

"Even afterward, [after the assassination], the reader learns, the C.I.A. pursued those familiar with circumstances that could have exposed the truth.

"Douglas makes much of the fact that the fatal bullet that killed the president entered not from the rear -- as it would have if Oswald were the killer firing from a building by the parade route -- but from the front, piercing the forehead and emerging at the rear of the skull.

"Te sharpshooter killers were not even in the building where Oswald was arrested after the assassination, but at a spot further along the parade route.

"A forensic physician who much later examined slide photos of the body [of President Kennedy], Lt. Cmdr. Bruce Pitzer, realized that the official Warren Report was erroneous in this regard.

"It was perilous knowledge: Dr. Pitzer was found shot to death in his working area in the National Naval Center near Washington, D.C., in 1966.

"The Navy ruled his death a suicide, but Douglass presents credible reason to doubt that conclusion.

"Another person who died years after the assassination under mysterious circumstances was Richard Case Nagell.

"A U.S. counterintelligence agent, he was in possession of a secretly recorded audio-tape of a conversation among several men involved in the conspiracy.

"Once aware of the plot and unwilling to enter into it, he walked into an El Paso bank [¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!] one day and fired two shots into the wall in order to ensure his speedy arrest.

"Questioned by the authorities, he said: I would rather be arrested then commit murder and treason.

"Released from prison after five years, Nagell survived three attempts on his life.

"But in November [of 1995] he was found dead in the bathroom of his Los Angeles home..."

Now, yours truly's 2 cents worth:

As was
Thomas Merton, in a bathtub in Bangkok, Thailand, if my feeble memory serves me!


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