Monday, February 02, 2009

Moderately so - called pro - gay Catholic clergy Jesuits suspicious of President Obama?!

Adapted from this source: An unsigned [heh, heh] "Current Comment" in the Jesuit magazine, America, January 5 - 12, 2009.

"Playing Politics With Religion?"

"As evidenced by his insightful books, frequent interviews and a lengthy discussion on faith with Newsweek in July, President Barack Obama takes his Christianity seriously.

"He also takes his politics seriously.

"When it came to the inaugural prayer last week, politics won out.

"[T]he president - elect tapped Pastor [Rick] Warren to deliver the opening prayer at his inauguration.

"[S]ome Obamaphiles were dismayed [not to mention such online gay Jesuit personalities as George Weigel's Pretty Boy and Jabba the Slut!]: Warren had compared same -- sex marriage to child rape, incest and polygamy.

"Then a few days before the inauguration, it was announced that Bishop V. Gene Robinson, the openly gay Episcopalian bishop of New Hampshire, would lead a prayer on the Sunday night before the inaugural festivities.

"Neither choice was prudent [whatever that is supposed to mean! :)]

"There are many other reasonable mainstream clerics (or laypersons) Mr. Obama could have chosen who would not have raised suspicions that he was playing politics with religion."


Folks, come to think of it, I do believe I am beginning to see the sound motives of both prudence and discretion for some high - ranking clown knocking off this laugh - out- loud drivel to maintain his [more likely than her] anonymity.


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