Thursday, March 05, 2009

"Saints of Africa"

"Over 117 million Catholics live in Africa"

"[S]aints of Africa number in the thousands"

From add in Miles Jesu Monthy, February 2009. "By Vincent J. O'Malley, C.M."

"Over 117 million Catholics live in Africa -- almost twice as many as in the United States.

"Is it any surprise that the saints of Africa number in the thousands?

"They include three popes, three Doctors of the Church, eight Fathers of the Church, thousands of martyrs, hundreds of monks, plus countless religious and lay leaders.

"Saints of Africa presents a cross section of these remarkable men and women.

"From the earliest defenders of the Faith to twentieth - century martyrs, they bear witness to the remarkable sanctity of the world's second - largest and second - most populous continent."

Paperback, 224 pages
#27361 / $11.95

Call toll - free: 1 - 866 - 627 - 4269 + be prepared to habla espaƱol

A little over one year ago these good folks still preferred to take your order in Spanish.

And you had better know the backside of your credit card as well as you know the front, o.k.? O.K.! :)


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