Wednesday, April 22, 2009

¡Ay qué pesadilla, qué terrible büey! :)

"Sanar tu Arbol Genealógico" por P. John H. Hampsch, C.M.F.

¡Ya viene otro coco, espanto -- o tal vez mejor dicho -- nomás que otro ñgangulero, palero, mayombero!

"Healing Your Family Tree, Now Available in Spanish."

"Are you not feeling well spiritually, emotionally, or physically?

"Rev. John Hampsch, C.M.F., suggests that you review your family tree.

"Father Hampsch argues that much of what ails us is due to what he calls miniature original sin.

"The author guides you through a healing process to clean up the effects of sin in your life that result from the sins of past generations.

"It is a fascinating question - and- answer explanation of an engrossing subject.

"It contains a special genogram page for diagramming your family tree."

Order #7641 English ISBN: 1 - 57918 - 108 - 2 Price: $12.95

Order #7641S Spanish ISBN: 1 - 57918 - 289 - 5 Price: $12.95

Order TOLL - FREE 1 - 800 - 647 - 9882. American Catholic Shineola Publications dba "Queenship Publishing Company"

For whatever it's worth -- and to save your money! -- you can easily check what the Roman Catholic Church teaches on this business of the effects of sin in your life that result from the sins of past generations.

And, guess what?

This morning we'll use Brother Jeff Janca's King James Bible to do so, and why not?

Most any Christian Bible can easily slap down any clown like this one calling himself "Fr. John H. Hampsch, C.M.F."

Exactly why the oldest and most derailed and fanatical members of St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish Charismatic Group still insist that their younger and more cerebral members all but grovel over his and similar books by Wicca - oriented American Catholic authors, is, I guess!

Just one of those mysteries of iniquity that we hear about from time to time.

Anyway, check it out:


9:2 "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"

This wasn't some ignorant question by any means, as we can be sure these disciples would have been observant Jews, and thus aware of Exodus 20:50 when God tells His Chosen People that He is a jealous God and willing to be inflicting punishment for their fathers' wickedness on the children of those who hate me down to the third and fourth generation.

Jesus' answer can be seen just by reading it your very own self, in most any Bible you choose! :)


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