Monday, May 04, 2009

"What must be atoned for is complacency among U.S. Catholics about the legal killing of unborn children"

"Bishop Wenski will [celebrate] a Mass of reparation to make amends for sins against God."

Adapted from this article by Eric Gorski / Associated Press via the San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS, Sunday May 3, 2009:

"Bishops' reaction to Notre Dame signals stress on abortion"

"This week, Bishop Thomas Wenski of the Catholic Diocese of Orlando, Florida, will take the unusual step of celebrating a Mass of reparation, to make amends for sins against God.

""The motivation to provide an outlet for Catholics upset with what Wenski calls the University of Notre Dame's clueless decision to invite President Barack Obama to speak at its commencement and receive an honorary doctorate May 17.

"At least 55 bishops have publicly denounced or questioned Notre Dame in recent weeks, employing terms ranging from travesty and debacle to extreme embarrassment.

"Wenski issued a statement and then came up with the Mass idea after angry Notre Dame graduates from central Florida asked for guidance about how to respond, he said.

"Wenski said: I figured, 'I'm a bishop -- I'm not going to tell them to attack Notre Dame with a pitchfork. I'm going to tell them to pray.'

"What must be atoned for, Wenski said, is complacency among U. S. Catholics about the killing of unborn children, which contributed to the climate that allowed Notre Dame to think it was all right to honor Obama."

Way to go, excellency!


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