Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Rev. Father Martín Garcia Avila, 34, of Mexicali, Mexico:

"He had long since left the fashion world where he worked as a model"

I got tired of the fake life...

Adapted from this original source: MySA . Web Posted: 05/03/2009 12:00 CDT. "Ordinations hoped to be a spark." By Abe Levy -- Express - News.

"For Garcia Avila, becoming a priest brings to fruition a calling he felt one day at a spiritual retreat in his hometown of Mexicali, south of the California border.

"He had long since left the fashion world where he worked as a model, he said, a lifestyle that left him feeling empty.

"[H]e said. I got tired of the fake life. It never satisfied me. Now, I have to be a model of Christ. That's my challenge."

Way to go, Padre!

Good luck!

You seem to have been successful in dealing with the slavering - drooling importunities of the likes of Archbishop Gomez's hand- picked seminarian, Mr. John Calvin Hegedus, clumsy as they most probably were, so!

We're betting you will be able to deal with any of the other satanic clowns our archdiocese's lavender mafia will be most surely sending your way! :)

By the way, speaking of Our Lady of the Lake University (OLLU) which appears to be Mr. Hegedus' spiritual incubator and alma mater, some such satanic types in your own future may well be women, believe it or not....


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