Brackettville, Texas' Catholic Charismatic Renewal formerly breaking with Archbishop Gómez?
Uh - huh!
It at least looks like they have.
After nearly two years of debate, Brackettville's Catholic Charismatics publicly opt for going their own way.
And thus sever their last, tenuous ties with the established Catholic Church that is loyal to Pope Benedict XVI as well as those few American bishops still totally in harmony with Rome.
And, sadly enough:
Thereby fulfilling the prophecies given to us so many decades back by the legendary evangelical charismatic minister, David L. Wilkerson.
Believe it or not!
True to type, of course, is our local Catholic clergy.
Because they are sure to be cheerful in continuing to give this latest group of developing schismatics free add space every weekend -- until who knows when.
Perhaps as a reward for leaving quietly into that murky world of the schismatic ...
Source: Our parish bulletin's announcements for the weekend of Saturday October 24th, 2009 & Sunday October 25th, 2009.
"The St. Mary Magdalene Charismatic Renewal will meet in members' homes beginning Monday evening October 26, 2009, etcetera, etc.."
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