Monday, December 07, 2009

St. Mary Magdalene's pastor aggressively recruits fresh blood for parish Palace Guard!

Most likely is opting to smash the role of parentesco in the previous "protocol " that permitted to so much casual thieving by selecting and pairing random persons.

Here's a random selection of newer members of our Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish Palace Guard as listed in two (2) parish bulletins spaced five (5) weekends apart:

"The Collection Counters for November 8, 2009:

"Mike & Twilley Young; Frances Franklin, Shirley Donaldson."

"The Collection Counters for December 13, 2009:

"Hector & Gloria Jimenez; Mike & Lupe Cortinas."

Changes in the personnel of PARISH ORGANIZATIONS over the past five (5) weeks:

Finance Council. Chairperson: Was Mr. Hector Jimenez. Sunday, November 1st, 2009.

Note: Mr. Jimenez is now listed for the Collection Counter detail Sunday, December 13, 2009, as listed above.

Finance Council. Chairperson: Now Mr. Allen Kreiger. Sunday, December 6, 2009.

Note: Mr. Kreiger is still listed also as head of the Scholarship Team.

The Knights of Columbus. Was Mr. David Pierce. Sunday, November 1st, 2009.

The Knights of Columbus. Now Mr. César Cantú. Sunday, December 6, 2009.

Note: Mr. Cantú
is still listed as head of the Festival Committee, too.

The Building Committee & the Information Technology Team chairpersons' spaces are blank in both bulletins, and in point of fact have been so for some time ...

Humm... "Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Cantú Calling?"

'Cause, no!

This following announcement was NOT listed in the bulletin of Sunday, November 1, 2009. Instead. we see it in the bulletin of Sunday, December 6, 2009.

So, what the heck, right?

Maybe the good bishop did take a minute or two to read what yours truly had to say to him in a letter received around November 4th!

A letter with twin "subliminal" messages:

1) ¡Esta parroquia es nomás que otro nido de rateros!

2) ¡Quien no conoce a Dios, ante cualquier palo, se hinca!

So whatever's the case, here it is:

"ANNOUNCEMENT To the Church Organizations.

"Group Organizations:

"Please turn in your monthly expense sheet to the office every month."

My, oh my! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting blog

11:26 AM  

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