"Individuals as diverse as Mark Steyn, Oriana Fallaci, and Brigitte Bardot have already been tried...
"... on charges of defaming Islam -- in places like Vancouver and Bergamo..."
So says William Kilpatrick.
Author of the forthcoming book:
Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West.
This snippet lifted from The Catholic World Report [CWR], January 2010.
His article is titled: "Is Islam Too Big To Fail?"
"If the West's bailouts to it were taken away, its fragility might be exposed."
After 9/11 ...
"History books for American schoolchildren were rewritten to present Islam as a model of interfaith tolerance."
And now, 13,000 terrorists attacks later ...
"Whenever its capital reserves of trust and good will run low, Islam can always count on a pope, a president, or a prime minister to provide a new infusion of capital in the form of reassurance that it is a great religion with which we share plenty of common ground.
"Perhaps the biggest and most ill - considered bailout that the West has given Islam is its willingness to go along with the Islamic project of stifling all criticism of Islam.
"Individuals as diverse as Mark Steyn, Oriana Fallaci, and Brigitte Bardot have already been tried on charges of defaming Islam -- and not is places like Tehran or Lahore, but in places like Vancouver and Bergamo.
"Numerous others have had books or speeches canceled on the grounds that Muslims might otherwise be offended.
"Increasingly, Islam is off - limits to critical examination.
"In the world of bailouts, this puts it in a class by itself.
"At least in the case of the AIG bailout, the bailers were allowed to look at the books...."
Good points, amigo mío! :)
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