To: Mr. Roland Boysen, Certified Public Accountant & self - described twenty - five year resident here.
From: yours truly.
Date: January 22, 2010.
Subject, in essence: Folks, in our memo to Mr. Roland Boysen, CPA, PC + K of C., etc., we're addressing a well respected as well as a certifiable parish fiscal insider -- respecting the perceived reluctance of many Saint Mary Magdalene's Parishioners to pick up their 2010 donation envelopes at the back of the Church, and what may be their sound reasonings for doing otherwise:
Because in the recent past there was no verifiable accounting system in place to prove if they ever donated as much as one single dime to the church, or not.
"Hello, Roland!
"Say, since you've some real deal status here in Brackettville's Saint Mary Magdalene Parish, maybe you're just the gentleman that both our do - nothing Parish Finance Committee and our overworked pastor just might listen to! :)
"It's like this: I personally received statements already from the 2009 Archbishop's Appeal and the First Baptist Church of Brackettville telling me that both entities appreciated our A) $1,051.50 for the one and B) $10.00 towards postage expenses for the other.
"At our Parish however, forget it, as yours truly learned from the end of 2007 all the way to March 2008, with Fr. Anton Quang Dinh Van's joint botching w/ the Finance Committee of my inquiry as to what happened to "600.00 in contributions over three weeks that went up in smoke." Nothing happened.
"So, what are [we] saying here?
"If Father Pius wants those remaining envelopes at the back of the church picked up then every last one of us should get a statement crediting them with whatever $$$ they donated last year, without any of us having to ask for it, period!
"Roland, I really think that would be a help in getting even more $$ contributed, what do you think?
"Scribble - scribble ...
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