Friday, March 04, 2011

Advice to his fellow priests and to parents of teenagers by:

Current Air Force Chaplains Corps College
instructor Fr. James A. Hamel!

"... encourage them to serve as ministers of the security and freedom of people"

A snippet from his timely essay in the Homiletic & Pastoral Review, March 2011. He calls his essay Supporting our troops.

"... I want to challenge those with power in both the Church and in society to get more acquainted with the military.

"We are not them, we are us.

"If your parishioners or your own children are looking for something meaningful to do, encourage them to serve as ministers of the security and freedom of people.

"Furthermore, if you're convinced that they are destined for high academic achievement, let them compete for an appointment to one of our service academies."

Good points, Revered Father! :)

We are told that Father Hamel "Since 9/11 ... has deployed four times to the Middle East: Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghnaistan..."


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