Friday, September 23, 2011

Inherent futility - issues in "Praying away the gay," II! :)

Former lesbian atheist Melinda Selmys "explains" Saint Paul's communications snafu with the LGBTQ community of nearly 2,000 years ago.

Oh, right on, Melinda!

In the Roman world of slow - witted Saint Paul's era, she tells us: "Homosexuality was socially acceptable - provided you were the active partner.

"This created an atmosphere in which homosexual relationships were, more often than not, expressions of dominance.

"Usually, the passive partner was either a social inferior or a slave.

"The contempt with which St. Paul, Epictetus, and other writers of the period refer to catamites reflects the fact than when such relationships were consensual at all, the passive partner usually got involved only to further his career, for the sake of monetary gain, or because he lacked the moral courage to refuse ..."

Oh, right - on, Melinda!

Snippets from her commentary, Effective Outreach to the Homosexual Community: Authentic Dialogue Is Possible. In the New Oxford Review. May 2011 issue.


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